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Infusions for Specific Conditions

Glow & Grow

This infusion is designed to make your skin glow & helps with hair and nail growth. Includes Vitamin C, B-Complex, Biotin, and Glutathione.

Recommend 2x/week for period of 8 weeks. Will reassesses hair growth after 12 weeks. *Please book one week in advance*

Sinusitis, Allergies, & Itching

This drip is specially formulated to reduce symptoms and boost a your immune system. If symptoms are severe, you can add on Benadryl for $12. You need to bring someone to drive you home though, because you will be VERY SLEEPY.

Specific Conditions
Hair & Nails


Toradol (23.00)— Unless you have an NSAID sensitivity or allergy, a simple toradol shot is a great place to start when treating migraines. Your migraine should start to resolve within 30 minutes.
High-Dose Magnesium Infusion with Hydration — Magnesium is a well-known migraine buster.

High Blood Pressure

Our Hypertension Protocol includes Arginine, Magnesium and Taurine. We don’t keep all the ingredients in stock, so we need about one week before we can schedule your infusions.
*The higher doses found in this injection could interfere with digoxin, dovonex, diltiazem or verapimil. Please contact us if you have any questions about this.*

Recommended weekly x 4 then every 2 weeks as needed to manage blood pressure. Home BP monitoring is recommended.

*Please book one week in advance*



Magnesium does all the heavy lifting in this infusion to get you breathing better during an asthma flare-up. If your flare-up is mild to moderate or you want to prevent a flare-up, schedule with us. If your flare-up is severe, please go to the emergency room.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant. It reduces oxidative stress, helps to decrease inflammation, boosts your immune system and plays an important role in many other functions. Consider a Vitamin C infusion if you are dealing with the effects of chemotherapy, allergies, fighting a viral infection, have a high inflammation marker like CRP, or healing a wound. Max dose is 10G unless we have a normal G6PD result on file, which we can draw with your first infusion.

This information on this website is not provided as a professional service or medical advice for specific patients. It is not a substitute for professional medical care, and if you have, or suspect you may have, a health problem you should consult your healthcare provider.

Unless otherwise indicated, the statements made within this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements and the products of this company are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.



Monday                  9 AM-9 PM

Tuesday                  9 AM-9 PM

Wednesday         9 AM-9 PM

Thursday               9 AM-9 PM

Friday                      9 AM-9 PM

Saturday                9 AM-9 PM

Sunday                    9 AM-6 PM

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