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Intravenous (IV) Infusion Services


Water is your body’s most vital element.

Nearly all of your body’s major systems depend on water to function properly. Water helps:

  • regulate internal body temperature

  • carry oxygen and nutrients

  • lubricate joints

  • flush out waste products

  • dissolve minerals and nutrients

  • protect organs and tissues

Great for post-stomach bugs, “touch of altitude sickness”, before or after a night out and whenever you are just feeling a little dry or dehydrated.


Morning-After Infusion

Overdid it the night before? we have the right sauce for you. Our Morning-After Infusion includes Lactated Ringers (electrolytes) and B-Complex (alcohol depletes thiamine levels).
For that pounding headache, add-on
Toradol IV push for $10.00.
For nausea, add-on Zofran IV push for $10.00.

Basic Nutrient Infusions


The Mini-Myers is a smaller dose of our Basic Myers. This infusion is great for patients new to vitamin infusions. Includes Vitamin C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, Magnesium and Calcium. We require this infusion prior to attempting our higher-dosed infusions.
If you are feeling rundown or just haven’t been great to yourself lately, this is the infusion for you. 


Intravenous cocktail offered for patients that may be suffering from one of many medical conditions including: Asthma, Migraines, Fatigue, Depression, Fibromyalgia, Muscle Cramping/Spasm, Sinusitis, Itching, Seasonal Allergies. This infusion can also be beneficial for Athletic Performance and Sports performance, 

FREQUENCY: Weekly to Monthly


Immunity Booster

Includes hydration with lots of Vitamin C and Zinc. Great for periods of increased illness such as Flu & COVID season, back to school and/or travel. Includes a free high-dose B12 injection to give you a little post-infusion energy boost.

FREQUENCY: Weekly to Monthly

Vitamin D Injection
50,000 units


Energy & Fatigue

Rocket Booster

Specially formulated to help reduce fatigue and restore depleted energy levels. Includes: 5-40cc of Alpha Lipoic Acid followed by a vitamin B12 and Glutathione push. 
Frequency: Typically every 3 days at first because your system is so depleted. After 3-4 infusions we recommend spacing them out to weekly and even monthly. If needed, you can get a boost anytime you feel you need that little extra.

5CC - $56.00
10CC - $70.00
20CC - $149.00
40CC - $199.00
Energy Boost


Antioxidant Deluxe

We start with Vitamin C and hydration, followed by the powerful antioxidants glutathione and Poly-MVA
(Alpha Lipoic Acid).

FREQUENCY: Monthly. During stressful periods or if you have elevated/increased inflammatory markers are elevated, we recommend weekly infusions.
TIP: If you drink more than 10 drinks per week, add B-Complex to your infusion. 

Antioxidant Express

Two quick intravenous pushes of Poly MVA (Alpha Lipoic Acid) and Glutathione. Great for those who are short on time or cash.

TIP: If you drink more than 10 drinks per week, add B-Complex to your infusion. 


Named one of the most amazing natural protective substances ever discovered, Glutathione (GSH), acts to remove xenobiotics such as: heavy metals, cancer cells; and organic and inorganic compounds on a cellular level. While limited to a set amount, GSH is manufactured by every cell in your body and  nearly every body system is affected by your levels. Unfortunately, our modern-day oxidative stress load and toxic burden, frequently overwhelms our GSH levels resulting in high oxidative stress levels, low glutathione levels or both. Glutathione is not absorbed orally, but when administered intravenously is 100% absorbed. Glutathione can be scheduled as a stand alone IV push or added to any infusion. Also, your Glutathione levels and Oxidative Stress markers can be measured. Just ask us how.


Alpha Lipoic Acid/Poly MVA

Alpha lipoic acid, vitamins B1, B2, B12, molybdenum, n-acetyl cysteine and methionine. It is a powerful anti-oxidant, and there is nothing like it on the market. 

MVA 5CC $44.00 
MVA 10CC $85.00 
MVA 20CC $155.00 
MVA 40CC $215.00 

Athletic Performance & Recovery

Post Workout Recovery

This infusion combines the Road Runner with the Antioxidant Deluxe. Repair muscle and Boost Antioxidants. Your body is your vehicle. Help it repair and get back in action faster.

The Road Runner
(Performance Essentials)

This Infusion includes an Amino Blend (glutamine, ornithine, arginine, lysine citrulline, carnitine) and B-Complex (B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6) with a high-dose B12 and plenty of hydration.

Athletic Perormance

Weekend Warrior

This information on this website is not provided as a professional service or medical advice for specific patients. It is not a substitute for professional medical care, and if you have, or suspect you may have, a health problem you should consult your healthcare provider.

Unless otherwise indicated, the statements made within this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements and the products of this company are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.



Monday                  9 AM-9 PM

Tuesday                  9 AM-9 PM

Wednesday         9 AM-9 PM

Thursday               9 AM-9 PM

Friday                      9 AM-9 PM

Saturday                9 AM-9 PM

Sunday                    9 AM-6 PM

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